
Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Funny - My Blackberry Is Not Working

The fabulous Shelly from Tropical Mum has come up with a brilliant linky idea.
Each Friday she'll post something funny...
an old or new post
a video
a joke
a picture...

And because I haven't quite filled my week with linkies yet...
I'm joining in!

Today I worked for 3 hours (that's my kinda working day!)
When I arrived the class was watching the Year 7 Variety Show.
So I had to sit with the class and watch it 'til the end, a good 30 mins or so (that's my kinda teaching!!)
As with many school kids' skits, some were fabulous...some not so much.
Here is one they did that I had a chuckle at (there were funnier ones but I can't find them on You Tube).
They did remove any references to'll see....

Have a funny a good way!

Linking this post with Shelly's

Be sure to click on the button for some more giggles.


  1. PML! Thanks for sharing that one Thea, my face is hurting from laughing so much!


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