
Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Funny - Love Actually

The fabulous Shelly from Tropical Mum has come up with a brilliant linky idea.
Each Friday she'll post something funny...
an old or new post
a video
a joke
a picture...

And because I haven't quite filled my week with linkies yet...
I'm joining in!

This week I've picked my very favourite scene from one of my very favourite movies.
It makes me laugh every.single.time!
Oh yes, Hugh...I want more...more....more!!

Unfortunately, you'll have to click on the link because embedding has been disabled.

But here's something to look at before you do.


Have a funny a good way!

Linking this post with Shelly's

Be sure to click on the button for some more giggles.


  1. Ha! I'm still smiling at that one. I had forgotten that scene. In fact it's been so long since I've seen that movie, that I think I'll get it out on DVD this weekend. Thanks for linking up Thea. xx

  2. haaha - I think I may even have snorted at that one.
    Can't believe I've never watched that before -is the rest of the movie as funny?

  3. Love Actually is one of my favourite movies. Lots of great actors in it. Great choice

  4. Hehehe I love this movie, I watch it every Christmas, it's so romantic and just lovely.

  5. was Hugh Grant in that movie? too busy 'being' Emma Thompson absolutely BREAKING my heart over Alan Rickman …


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