
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Funny - Halloween

The fabulous Shelly from Tropical Mum has come up with a brilliant linky idea.
Each Friday she'll post something funny...
an old or new post
a video
a joke
a picture...

And because I haven't quite filled my week with linkies yet...
I'm joining in!

My much younger cousin put this on Facebook during the week.
He said, "Watch till the end..worth it trust me!"
At first I was watching thinking....oh, that's mean, poor kids.
But I waited 'til the end, just like my cousin said.
And OMG...did I laugh!

Have a funny a good way!

Linking this post with Shelly's

Be sure to click on the button for some more giggles.


  1. I actually was thinking some of the kids were a bit naughty and then I saw those two kids at the end. Priceless!

    Thanks for linking up, Thea!

  2. hahahaha You'd think it was the end of their world.
    Moral of the story is; kids L.O.V.E candy!
    ...even more apparently than their mums lollll.
    (hmm can anyone say bribery? lol)

    I agree those last two made up for all the tantrums - what a pair of sweeties :)

  3. That was hilarious! Especially the last two. Adorable. I needed that. :)

  4. Thea it won't let me comment on your previous post but this is a comment for that one. x Oh Thea, maybe what lucy said is right, possibly it is partly sheer relief? I have just resolved a very toxic situation with one of my sill's. At the end of the day I had to suck it up and sort it out. I didn't want to. But having done it I was so glad I could move forward. A bit wiser perhaps, but knowing that finally it was over was amazing. Wish you were on my school run. We'd have so much fun! x


Just one little comment will make my day.